Keep your mouth clean and fresh with the Oral-B Shiny Clean manual toothbrushes. Ergonomically shaped for better handling these tooth brushes help reach even the hardest areas of your mouth. The Z-Shaped patterned bristles help remove debris and germs from your teeth and mouth. Soft bristles are gentle on your teeth and gums and provide comfort and control when brushing. A built in tongue cleaner helps finish cleaning your whole mouth for a clean finish. When done use the provided toothbrush hygiene cap cover to keep it sanitized and ready to use next time.

FeaturesBlue, Green, Red and Purple includedSoft 35 bristles that are gentle on your teeth and gumsZ-Shaped bristles designed to reach in between teethContoured ergonomic handle for easy usageBuilt in tongue cleaner for total cleanlinessTootbrush hygiene cap cover
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가격 $1.00 $2.00
이벤트가격 $0.90 ($100이상 구매시 10% 할인 적용가) (일반통관 $149 / 목록통관 $199 까지 구입 가능)
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