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레인보우 라이트 마그네슘 칼슘 플러스 90정
가격 $14.99 $16.99
이벤트가격 $13.49 ($100이상 구매시 10% 할인 적용가) (일반통관 $149 / 목록통관 $199 까지 구입 가능)
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상품 상세

이미지 더 불러오기
Supplement Facts    
Serving Size: 3 Tablets    
Servings per Container: 30    
  Amount Per Serving % Daily Value
Vitamin C (as Magnesium Ascorbate) 200 mg 333%
Vitamin D (as D3 Cholecalciferol) 400 IU 100%
Vitamin B6 (as Pyridoxine) 2 mg 100%
Calcium (as Amino Acid Chelate, Carbonate, Citrate-Malate) 500 mg 50%
Magnesium (as Oxide, Ascorbate, Amino Acid Chelate, Aspartate) 1000 mg 250%
Manganese (as Amino Acid Chelate) 1 mg 50%
4:1 Herbal Muscular Support Blend 183 mg  
(equivalent to 732 mg of herbal powder)    
Horsetail [herb], Willow [bark], Meadowsweet [herb], Turmeric [rhizome], Rosemary [leaf], Essential Oil, ginger [rhizome] Essential Oil    
Digestive Support Complex    
Ginger [rhizome] 4:1 Extract 54 mg  
    (equivalent to 216 mg herbal powder)    
Organic Spirulina 100 mg  
Betaine HCl 60 mg  

Other Ingredients: Natural mineral or vegetable source stearic acid (vegetable), cellulose, modified cellulose, magnesium stearate, silica. Coating: vegetable food glaze. Contains soy lecithin in vegetable glaze.


0.0점 (0개 상품평 기준)

  • 가격 Good
  • 배송 Good
  • 품질 Good

제품 후기(출처 : 네이버 블로그 오픈 API)

Total : 50

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