Do not exceed recommended daily intake. Use only as directed. Take one serving (1 scoop) of Cellucor C4, mixed with 4-6 fl oz of water 20-30 minutes before training. Once tolerance has been assessed and you are looking for an additional boost of energy, take one additional serving (1 scoop) with serving taken before training. Do not exceed 2 scoops per day. During your workout, it is recommended that you drink plenty of water or performance beverage such as Cellucor Alpha Amino to stay hydrated. Some individuals may experience a harmless tingling sensation, which is attributed to beta alanine.
셀루코어 C4 프리-워크아웃 오리지널 핑크 레몬에이드 30회분 195g (6.9oz)
가격 $29.99 $49.99
이벤트가격 $26.99 ($100이상 구매시 10% 할인 적용가) (일반통관 $149 / 목록통관 $199 까지 구입 가능)
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